Syal – Syal Cantik
Syal pesanan Talaa yang benangnya dia pilih sendiri. Maunya cepat jadi aja, tiap hari ditanyain : kapan jadinya? tanggal berapa? *tepok jidat* Untungnya pake benang bulky, jadi cuma sekitar 5…
Tie Up Scarf
V I really love this scarf. One of my favourite pattern from Thata Pang. Need only two hours to make it and 50 grams of yarn. In this picture i…
Rainbow Scarf
The rainbow scraf is made from Thalenta’s slub bulky yarn and Softy wool and 4 mm knitting needles. This time i tried to change between 2 yarns with simple pattern.…
Leaves Bookmark
This bookmark is a KAL project in DC Community. It said that the bookmark needs only 45 minutes to make it but i made it for 3 hours. I made…
Garter Shawl Final
After two weeks, finally it’s done ^_^. The Shawl is requested by my niece in Bandung. She loved the color and the motifs too. The length of the the shawl…
Garter Shawl
Since i had injured in my left forefinger last wednesday, i couldn’t do any crocheting for a week. The good news is i can do knitting because it don’t use…
Knitting Needles Storage
I made this storage for my knitting needles so they won’t broken. The idea is from mbak Thata Pang.The storage made from 30 cm PVC pipe with it’s PVC cover…
Garter Stitch Bandana
Bandana yang dibuat dengan teknik knitting ini pesanan teman untuk keponakannya..Pengerjaannya 2 hari dengan benang katun lokal warna pink dan SPN 5 mm. Rencananya sih memakai SPN 4,5 mm tapi…
Mini Shirt (knitting)
Last week i made this mini shirt. I luv it. The pattern made by Thata Pang. Hope you like it 😀